
Bondage Rebellion Definition

Decent Essays

“You may want to make up a pseudo name,” I’m told as the silver Honda pulls up to my house. My friend and I slip into the car and I feel uneasy. We ride in silence, though she occasionally glances over to give me a reassuring smile. After what feels like a forever, the car stops in a dark, empty parking lot, and our Uber driver gives me a curious, almost frightful, look. As we walk inside the bright room, covered wall-to-wall with padded mats and floor-to-ceiling with mirrors, my friend is greeted by unfamiliar people. She tells me later that she knew them from the Internet and they must have recognized her from her profile. My heart races while I nervously shake everyone’s hands with my sweaty palms. We sign in, using manufactured personas and begin a round of small talk until the teacher calls us into the center of the room: “Alright, who’s ready to learn how to tie?” …show more content…

But was I feeling this way because of an innate sense of right and wrong, or because of a standard of sexual preference that society has constructed? Alternative sex practices, such as bondage, domination and sadomasochism (from now on referred to as BDSM) are not inherently deviant. However, the contrast between these acts and society’s heteronormative, soft-core and monogamous portrayal of what sex should be directly influences the negative connotation, definition and ultimately the medicalization of anomalous sexual

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