
Book Review On Bringing Up Bebe

Satisfactory Essays

If you ask me something about baby's sleep, I can confidently tell you, that with my first child I've seen it all. Well, at least our sleep issues throughout these years gave me the right to say so.

By no means, I consider myself a sleep expert. But in a constant search for the right approach to tackle short naps, bedtime battles and night wakings, there are definitely some advices that I can give you.

*This post "French Parenting: Bringing Up Bebe (Book Study)" may contain affiliate links. If you purchase anything through these links, the price is the same for you and I receive a small commission that helps keep this blog up and running.*

During my first pregnancy, all I read was pregnancy and childbirth related information. I didn't pay much interest to what comes after. I never thought that baby's sleep issues are real. …show more content…

Nursing to sleep when possible, rocking, breastfeeding on demand, respondin to baby's cry, you name it.

May I just say, how exhausted I was? May I add that the exhaustion still continues, because I believe some things should be done differently at the beginning?

Two years ago, I stumbled upon a very insightful book. The book is called Bringing Up Bébé and it describes the parenting approach in France. I was stunned after I read that French kids start sleeping through the night as early as 6 weeks old. What intrigued me even more, is that French parents achieved this not by using cry-it-out technique, which they don't condone.

The book immediately got me thinking if I could achieve such sleep success by using French methods.

This week I'm continuning to study the book along with Kelly from The Primarily Insipired. Here you can read my full post on French parenting and how they deal with baby's sleep issues along with children's behavioral problems.

I'm very curious to know, what is your approach to baby's sleep issues and what methods worked for

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