
Bose Case Study Summary

Decent Essays

This is a case study that is about Bose, a manufacture of luxury audio systems, and the details of how Bose creates an efficient supply chain, while producing high quality products, through certain techniques, contracts, and strategy implementations. This Case study highlights how Bose analyzes their suppliers through a performance measuring system. This measuring system assures Bose, that they have the have the best suppliers to create the best quality. Another strategy that was touched on is the implementation, design and integration of an electronic data interchange (EDI) which allows Bose, and their suppliers, to closely monitor inventory levels. This electronic data interchange allowed Bose to create the “JIT II system” which selects the best person to order, and manages inventory levels is the main supplier. These strategies are the reason why Bose has an efficient supply chain, and high quality products.
1. Why has Bose developed its supplier performance measurement system?
The reason Bose developed this measurement system is because Bose wants to achieve excellent service, performance, and quality, it’s important for Bose to have the best suppliers and for those suppliers to have the same goal. Bose created their supplier performance measurement system to evaluate their suppliers. This measurement system is similar to a scorecard because it evaluates their supplier based off of data that is measurable and if Bose’s suppliers are not performing up to Bose’s

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