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Bourdieu doesn't talk about Social revolution as a " Direct or Positional attacks " (like Gramsci). However, Bourdieu sees “social revolution” regarding middle-class as a population trying to access upper mobility using their habitus or transposable dispositions, which Bourdieu says we are not usually aware. Dispositions acquired via one's particular living ENVIRONMENT socialization/ social conditioning embodied constraints and external circumstances e.g. (dispositions shared by people who undergo similar experiences).” Due to their surroundings and socialization, the habitus of the intellectual is easily transportable to education, high paying jobs, buying a home as well a capital they can transfer to their children to continue their …show more content…

However, as a means to prevent this, the upper class devalues degrees of intellectual tp keep them from getting jobs that will give the authority to reach or affect change within the upper classes. Which for Bourdieu is not true “social revolution” because as the petite bougie gains upper mobility and access to domains and practices of the upper class (the upper class runs away) or changes the field or the game. Thus preventing the petite bougie from ever becoming upper class as they create sub-fields such a yoga and healthy living to reflect and the bougie sees as pretentious try to take into account a upper-class lifestyle. Thus Bourdieu theory is also centered on the “class struggle” within fields between the upper classes and the petite bougie (he doesn't theorize a “collective resistance” against the State or dominant …show more content…

Bourdieu theorizes the real social conflict is between the upper class and the Petite bougie e.g. a struggle over categories of representation and battles over classifications or fields. Bourdieu says intellectuals a source of ruling class ideologies, “i.e. (illusion of class about itself),” Due to their focus on education of themselves and their children, and striving to become the part of the upper class. Bourdieu sees the possibility of the pretentious Petite Bougie affecting what he calls a “symbolic revolution” that could re -shape the structures of the social order. [If the upper class ever stopped changing the game to maintain their prestige. In contrast, Bourdieu says the habitus of doesn't easily transfer to higher education thus the working classes or lower classes are driven by necessity to forego an education thus chose to work out of necessity thus they have no economic recourse to reject or effect dominant culture. Bourdieu says the working class is a culture with no stake in the game. (Bourdieu 1984 [1979]: chapter 7). Thus the working class has no stake in the social

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