
Brain Development Stages

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The life cycle is a complex cycle. Everyone experience different physical, social and mental changes throughout their life, however, we can generalize these stages. The first few years of one’s life are the most important stages of development. At birth, a baby with generally is around 7 to 8 pounds and around 20 inches long. The weight of the baby will triple in the first year and increase their length by about 40 percent. After the first year, the growth rate slows down, once a child enters preschool their height will increase and weight decreases. Of course, everyone grows differently so this is when you’ll start seeing children at different heights. After the preschool years, you enter middle and late childhood which consists of slow but …show more content…

Along with physical changes the brain undergoes most of its development during the early stages of life, including the prenatal period. When a baby is first born, the brain is about 25 percent of its adult weight and by age two is about 75 percent of its adult weight. However, much of the brain is not mature until later in life. There are also factors that can stunt brain growth such as unresponsive and unstimulating environments. Once one enters childhood the brain and head grow more rapidly than any other body part. There are significant changes in structures and regions of the brain that continue throughout middle and late childhood, specifically brain pathways and circuitry with the prefrontal cortex. However, the prefrontal cortex will not finish maturing until 18 to 25 years of age. The corpus callosum will also thicken in adolescence which improves the ability to process information. The limbic system which controls emotions is almost fully developed. During adulthood, the brain is still undergoing changes. The brain will lose between 5 and 10 percent of its weight between 20 and 90 years of age. At the age of 55, the general function of the brain and spinal cord starts to slow. There is a reduction in the production of neurotransmitters which plays a role in memory decline and motor

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