
Brand Community

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The paper introduces a model of brand community development that is extended to the nonprofit sector; a sector that has just recently begun to embrace relationship marketing. It is believed that brand communities represent a unique form of relationship marketing, with benefits that are particularly compelling for nonprofits. Indeed, the paper reveals that many of the characteristics of brand communities already exist to some extent within the culture and/or fundraising efforts of charitable organizations. The article offers a number of research propositions for research into the influence of brand community markers and mechanisms …show more content…

In fact, contributions to charity comprise a substantial portion of the average household budget, over 5% of gross income according to Smith (1980). Individuals also donate a substantial portion of their time to charities, time estimated to be worth roughly the equivalent of the financial contributions (Smith 1980). Given these statistics, it is easy to see why the charity-donor relationship is so important to charitable organizations. However, a study conducted for the Direct Marketing Association revealed that donors also feel it is important to have meaningful relationships with nonprofit organizations (Association Management 1996). And yet, the desire for close relationships does not guarantee full coffers or a full roster of volunteers. For although baby boomers indicate that they intend to give more, they are cynical of charities and demand greater accountability for how their donations are used, as well as tangible evidence of the good that this money is doing (Fund Raising Management 1999a). The goal of the current paper is to extend the concept of brand community to the nonprofit sector. Although this sector is nascent with respect to its appreciation for, and adoption of, relationship marketing, it is believed that the brand community concept is

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