
Brave New World Essay Questions

Satisfactory Essays

Student learning concerns addressed: (Include building level data for analysis of the goals and progress.) Some students may not be able to handle the level of reading that this book demands

Alignment with building and/or district student achievement goals:
90% of students will attain proficiency in reading (or if not proficient, show one year’s growth)

How do this goal and the training and learning opportunities align with the Iowa Teaching Standards and criteria? Which of the teaching standards and criteria will be the focus of this plan?

Standard 2 Demonstrates competence in content knowledge appropriate to the teaching position.
a. Understands and uses key concepts, underlying themes, relationships, and different perspectives related to the content area. The novel Brave New World lends …show more content…

Criteria The teacher:
b. Sets and communicates high expectations for social, behavioral, and academic success of all students. Students will have to learn to debate effectively—learning to agree to disagree, respectfully listen and respond to an opposing idea, etc.

d. Selects strategies to engage all students in learning. I want to find more hands-on activities to accompany the novel since many of my learners are visual.
e. Uses available resources, including technologies, in the development and sequencing of instruction. I was recently introduced to a site called—this site has accompanying texts to use throughout the novel—like informational texts, poetry, etc. This site even tells the instructor when to use the reading in what part of the novel Standard 4 Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students.
c. Demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness in adjusting instruction to meet student needs. Some students will need to use an audio version and some visuals (for example, the summary video of the novel on

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