
Brave New World Satire Analysis

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Compare life as Huxley described it in the World State with life where drugs are part of your everyday life which controlled your emotions and freedoms. Aldous Huxley play’s with the idea of a dramatically dystopian society where drugs greatly encouraged by government to hold control over person destiny or conscience. Brave New World was written by Aldous Huxley in 1932. The novel takes place in a dystopian world, mainly around the London area. The general argument made by the Huxley’s in his work is that society takes away from an individual’s personal freedom, happiness, and truths because throughout the novel its seen that use of drug soma to control their emotion is part of their cultural or society rule.

In Brave New World, Aldous Huxley constructs satire in order to warn the reader of utopian or a perfect world society where they are controlled by government, technology, and conditioning. First, in Brave New World, each caste is confined to what the government wishes them to think or do. Gaydosik displayed information about how the government set up the system for society, "divided by brainpower into five classes, these scientifically create humans arrive in adulthood already trained to do their assigned tasks" (Gaydosik). Each caste gets the job, according to their level where they have no freedom to choose what job to do, which class they belong to. Secondly, the world state uses conditioning as a way to pressure children to perform a certain way and like certain

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