
Essay on Breast Cancer Case Study

Decent Essays

Luis F Vega Jr
NUR 1211
Breast Cancer Case Study
Mrs. Thomas, a 57 year old married lawyer, was found to have a 4 X 6 cm firm, fixed mass in the upper, outer quadrant of the right breast during a routine physical examination, and a stereotactic core biopsy indicated a malignant tumor. Although the surgeon recommended a mastectomy because of the size of the tumor, Mrs. Thomas chose to have a lumpectomy. Now three weeks postoperative, she is scheduled for chemotherapy.
Subjective Data
Never had a routine mammogram
Never practiced Breast Self-Examination (BSE)
States she deserves to have breast cancer for being so careless about her health
Chose to have a lumpectomy to remove the tumor despite its large size because she believes …show more content…

What can the nurse do to help Mrs. Thomas reduce or manage the common physical effects of the chemotherapy?
Nausea & Vomiting - anti-emetic drug, eat and drink slowly, drinking enough fluids
Mouth sores (Mucositis) – OTC anesthetics, ice chips or popsicles, gargling
Diarrhea - drink plenty of fluids, high-protein foods, cooked vegetables, fresh fruits without the skin
Hair loss - wear some kind of head covering (scarf, turban, hat, or wig)

4. What does the finding that Mrs. Thomas’s tumor is estrogen receptor-positive mean? What additional treatment modalities might this suggest? This means that estrogen, but not progesterone, may be supporting the growth and spread of the cancer cells. Your doctor usually will prescribe some form of hormonal therapy at some point in your treatment plan.

5. How could the nurse help Mrs. Thomas cope with her feelings of guilt and maintain a positive relationship with her husband? The nurse could listen to and explore Mrs. Thomas’s feeling of guilt. Inform her about support groups and counseling that are available in her area.

6. What are some possible reasons that Mrs. Thomas did not perform BSE or have mammography performed?
Not confident in the technique of BSE
Fear that something may be found
Losing her sexual identity

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