
Brian Mccall

Decent Essays

Brian McCall is the chancellor of Texas State University System, the first university system established in Texas. He also served in Texas House of Representatives as chairman of the House Calendars Committee and as a member of the Higher Education Committee. During his session, he passed one of the largest tax-cut bills in Texas history. The honorable McCall hold a bachelor’s degree from Baylor University, a master’s degree from Southern Methodist University, and a doctor of philosophy degree from The University of Texas at Dallas. McCall is the founder of The Empowerment Project, a non-profit organization which has sent more than $10 million worth of math and science books to disadvantaged schools in the Republic of South Africa and helped …show more content…

At the beginning of every chapter, Brian McCall talked a little bit about how the new politicians took over the position of Texas governor, which is a clever way of the transition. Although he spent 45% of the time talking about the campaign, a fair number for me, sometimes he spent 60% of the time explaining how some governors won the election, for example, John Connally, Dolph Briscoe, and William Clements in his first term. It really helps me to get to know those governors better than just reading their achievements, and I think that 60% is a large number for the campaign only. His idea of using the campaign as the transition between two administrations is very smart. I like it and I think he did really well on it, and I also think that he should shorten that part. "The power of the Texas governor" revealed not only what the Texas governors did in their terms, but also their personalities, their views, and their working styles. And because his purpose was to show their characteristics, he spent a lot of time talking about their campaign and what they did to attract the support of people and the legislators. The book gave me a flashback of Texas politics and fantastic development. Thanks to his personal experience in politics, McCall walked readers through nine terms of Texas governors and explained how the office of governor run within the broader

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