
Texas Governors Are Not As Powerful As Many People Think

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Texas governors are not as powerful as some people think. Their personality and appearance matter the most when being considered for a vote. The governor is seen the most rather the other officials, which is why their personality and appearance is so important. Governors used to be able to serve a 2 year term but that changed in 1974. The service term increased by 2 years. Rick Perry was elected in 2000 and is Texas’ longest serving governor. To be an eligible candidate the aspiring governor should be at least 30 years of age. Usually, the governor is a white, mid-age, male. Over time things changed when Miriam Ferguson and Ann Richards were elected. To be a candidate you must also be a U.S. citizen and at least lived in the state 5 …show more content…

Miriam Ferguson was the first female governor of Texas. She served two terms in 1927 and 1935. She decided to run after her husband’s impeachment and conviction. Her slogan for the first election’s campaign was “Me for Ma, and I Ain 't Got a Durned Thing Against Pa.” She beat her opponent with 58.9 percent of votes. In the second election she won with 61.6 percent of the votes. Houstonians may know her for her signature on the Texas House Bill 194. This particular law was important for the University of Houston. In 1933, the University was established as a four year institute. During Miriam’s second an amendment was passed to disable the governor to issue pardons. Within the two terms that Miriam served, she issued about 4000 pardons to the violators of the prohibition law.
Ann Richards was the second female Texas governor. Unlike Miriam Ferguson she didn’t serve two terms. Although, she ran for a second term she lost to George W. Bush. During Ann’s governorship she introduced lottery tickets to Texas. She bought the first lottery in May of 1992 near Austin. The lottery revenue was supposed to enhance the finances for schools. Ann Richards was also known for her anti-homosexual mentality. She signed a law that made homosexuality illegal. Ann Richards is also recognized for appointing the first non-white commission head. Hispanic, Lena Guerrero was appointed as the head of the Texas Railroad Commission.

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