
Brief Summary Of The Book 'The Detention Club'

Satisfactory Essays

The detention Club is about a boy who wants his parents to understand him when he does something wrong. Wait let me explain so you can see his point of view. If a toddler put a fork in an outlet and you were the parent you would wrongly assume he/she were not thinking. Right? In reality he/she probably thought the fork would come to life. And obviously the parents are scared so they freak out! And they would ask the toddler “why did you do that” and then when he/she says “I don’t know” he/she has to go in the corner now and “think about what you’ve done” but e did it for a reason.

This book made me smile because It made me think about how me and my big brother fight. And how he thinks he is smarter than me but we are neck and neck.But he

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