
Bringing Of Talent Acquisition Into Businesses Place

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Bringing in Talent Acquisition into Businesses place In our current changing business world, bringing new employees into a business that need a certain skills or background knowledge can be hard to find qualified applicants to perform the daily tasks and duties of a job. As a result, bringing in new talent and implementing talent acquisition methods transform the company from being unsuccessful to fortuitous companies in the 21st century. Ron Torch, CEO and President of Torch Group Inc., said, “In todays job market, it is so challenging to recruit, qualify and hire the right talent quickly. Why is that? In one word..."CHANGE". Rapid changes in technology and our economy have dictated that to be successful in talent acquisition, …show more content…

One of most important best practices within talent acquisition to implement into one 's business is to have a clear process of what the company needs are and their timeframe and vision to have to bring the company to the next level of competitiveness. The process should be tailored to the size of the organization. In addition, the process the organization develops need to follow through every step of the way in hiring new employees. As an employer you want to invest your time and have a series of different type of interviews if you feel that the applicant is one for your company. In having several interviews you’re focusing on the applicant and getting to know them over a series of interview and tits easier for a hiring team to decide if the applicant is appropriate candidates to offer the job to. For example, one of the types of interviews companies might do is first a phone interview, next a video interview like (Skype), and finally having a one-one interview at the office. PC Construction uses this type of interviewing method when they are looking for an upper management position or if the applicant is unable to go to the headquarters or one of the offices. This process has been beneficial and proven to be

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