Bronchiectasis is a chronic condition of the airways in which the lungs become ineffective at clearing out mucus. Oftentimes, the condition is brought on by another disease or infection that cause the airways to weaken, widen, or become flabby and scarred. The presence of mucus inside the airways can result in the production of infectious bacteria and a possibly fatal infection (Sutton 257). Currently, a single or double lung transplant is the only way to cure bronchiectasis (BE for short), but transplants of major organs can cause many complications – sometimes creating even more problems than they solve – and transplants are not very easily obtainable (What Is…?). Though there is still no true cure for bronchiectasis, research has discovered new advances that aid in the therapy of the condition, including mucoactive, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial therapy, all of which contribute toward a more efficient and more easily procurable means of treatment. Unfortunately for those affected, bronchiectasis has a …show more content…
There are airway clearing techniques and drainage exercises that involve laying on either side and performing various techniques, or using handheld devices to clear airways (Bronchiectasis Treatment, Nicolini et. al). The last form of physiotherapy is a technique known as high-frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO). Oftentimes, this is achieved by putting on a vest-like device that emits vibrations that cause the chest walls to “shake”, or oscillate. HFCWO has shown to be the most effective, and should be a “principal [option] in chest physiotherapy” (Nicolini et. al). In one three-month study, 20 patients all reported improvements in cough severity and quality in life through oscillatory chest therapy (Martínez-García & Soriano). Overall, chest physiotherapy offers promising results, but it is not clear whether these improvements are very
Bronchiolitis is defined by the textbook as, “a diffuse, inflammatory obstruction in the small airways or bronchioles occurring most commonly in children” (Heuther & McCance, 2012). It is an acute inflammatory disease of the lower respiratory tract that occurs most commonly in infants and is caused by infection with seasonal viruses such as respiratory synctial virus (RSV) (Zorc & Hall, 2010). Bronchiolitis often results from an obstruction of the small airways. It is the leading cause of infant hospitalization in the United States (Zorc & Hall 2010) and is arguably the most common significant medical illness of childhood, with at least “1 in 7 normal infants developing symptomatic bronchiolitis in his or her first year of
the results of a pilot trial showed that 100% of such infants required intubation in the
Based on the findings from the case study was R.S has been a smoker for many years. One of the most significant risk factors for determining COPD is cigarette smoking. In determining this we need to the amount he has smoked as well as how often he has smoked that lead to the chronic bronchitis. What that means is that the airway mainly the bronchi is inflamed. Since it is chronic, which is a specific condition has been occurring for many years. This kind of diagnosis can lead to the coronary artery disease and peripheral arterial vascular disease.
This paper will discuss a case study of Liam, a three-month-old boy who is transferred from the General Practitioner (GP) to paediatric ward with bronchiolitis. Initially, Liam’s chief health issues will be identified, following by nursing assessment and diagnoses of the child’s need. Focus will be made on the management of two major health problems: respiratory distress and dehydration, and summary and evaluation of the interventions with evidence of learning. Lastly, a conclusion of author’s self-evaluation will be present.
Bronchitis is the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, the airways that carry airflow from the trachea into the lungs. The thin mucus lining of these airways can become irritated and swollen; the cells that make up the lining may leak fluids in response to the inflammation. Bronchitis most often occurs during the cold and flu season usually coupled with an upper respiratory infection. Bronchitis can be divided into two categories: acute or chronic each of which has distinct etiologies, pathologies, and therapies. I chose this condition because it seemed like an interesting topic to research on, and I am also interested in learning more
Chronic bronchitis is caused by inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes. These tubes carry oxygen to and from the alveoli of the lungs.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a progressive disease that affects more than 200 million people annually worldwide. It produces significant economic burden in both direct and indirect healthcare costs in addition to causing substantial morbidity and mortality. Distinguishing factors of this disease include progressive dyspnea, cough and sputum production, and breathlessness. This is primarily due to hyperinflation of the lungs, which serves as the chief pathologic mechanism of COPD. The care of patients with COPD has radically over the past 20 years, and several novel therapies have been discovered that have proven to significantly improve the health status of patients. In the case of moderate to severe COPD, exacerbations or persistent symptoms, regular treatment with long-acting bronchodilators is recommended to control symptoms, reduce the occurrence of acute exacerbations, and improve quality of life.
Accordingly, to this information of COPD: Coping with COPD from PubMed Health, this article provides the early stages, progression, coping and emergency plan and this disease affects family and friends. It is written answering the question, what to expect from COPD and how to manage this lung disease? A team of health care professionals, scientists and editors, and experts (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), 2015), provides education of how this disease may affect daily lives, how to live with this disease and what causes
For this paper, I decided to write about bronchiectasis. Bronchiectasis is a respiratory disease that takes on the appearance of cystic fibrosis. It is caused by the buildup of mucous causing the airways to stretch and widen and are irreversible. (American Lung Association, 2015) I chose to write about bronchiectasis because one of my dear friends has recently been diagnosed with this respiratory disease. Jasmine Coleman was born with a rare blood disorder and as a child she was always in and out of the hospital because she was more susceptible to infections, pneumonia was the main problem. Her condition was so severe that she wasn’t expected to have lived through high school, but she is still with us today. Over time her airways have built up with mucous and she began to cough up large amounts of blood. She had undergone various testing and treatments to try to figure out what was wrong. It was only recently when she was finally diagnosed with bronchiectasis. She has only 22 percent lung function and that is mainly in her left lung for her right lung is filled with blood. She is currently on six liters of oxygen when she is out and about and two liters for when she is resting. (Times Bulletin, 2015) She may be
Pratter MR, Brightling CE, Boulet LP, and Irwin RS. An Empiric Integrative Approach to the Management of Cough: ACCP Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines. Chest 2006, 129(1_suppl):222S-231S.
However, there is a multitude of effective ways to treat the disease that can increase the lifespan of an affected person. Constant vigilance for changes in one’s health is crucial. The main goals of treating the disease are clearing out mucus from the lungs and pancreas to prevent infection and providing necessary nutrition due to metabolic problems. A common treatment is the use of antibiotics, which aid in thinning excess mucus, lowering the risk of infection and increasing metabolism. Devices called nebulizers, which convert liquid medicine into a breathable “mist”, are used to easily move medication into the lungs through inhalation. Another common treatment is anti-inflammatories, which lessen swelling in your airways. To address digestive problems, people may take supplements of pancreatic digestive enzymes to increase the amount of absorbed nutrients within the body. In severe cases, surgical procedures may be applied to control the disease. Procedures include nasal polyp removal, where doctors remove any obstructive buildups in the nose, Endoscopy, where mucus is physically removed through endoscopes. In the most critical or life-threatening cases, a lung transplant may be performed to completely rid the patient of mucus buildup in the thoracic cavity. Unfortunately, due to the way mucus builds up in the lungs, a lung transplant requires both lungs to be
Bronchogenic cysts arise from abnormal tracheobronchial tree budding during the development of the airway. Subsequently, this abnormal bud differentiates into a pouch that is blinded end and filled with fluid. Bronchogenic cysts more frequently exist in the mediastinum, one third can occur in the lung, usually within the lung lower lobes
My aim is to discover whether premature babies are more likely to be born with particular chronic diseases. I will also will exploring the relationship between the particular stages of premature birth and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, a chronic lung disease. I am interested in this because my cousin was born premature and also developed a lung disease.
This is a 70 year-old male who required inpatient hospitalization due shortness of breath likely acute bronchitis vs pneumonia vs CHF exacerbation. Mr. D was brought to the Emergency Department presented with recent flu-like symptoms including productive coughs with increased SOB, subjective fever and chills, and chest pain. He had some mild to moderate, constant, dull, does not radiate to L arm pain in the substernal and epigastric region that worsen with coughing and movements. His medical history was significant for cardiomyopathy, and hypertension.
Tracheostomys may be required for long term control of excessive bronchial secretions, particularly in those with reduced consciousness or to maintain an