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Bullying: When Does Harmless Teasing Cross the Line?
A Study on Bullying

Leslie Babcock
National American University
Technical Communication
May 2, 2012

Letter of Transmittal
Date: May 2, 2012
To: From:
Dr. Mauer Leslie Babcock
328 W. Grand Avenue 1400 East Kay
Haysville, KS 67060 Haysville, Ks 67060
USD 261 Superintendents

Dear Dr. Mauer:
Enclosed you will find the results of the questionnaire distributed last month, and my recommendations on the topic; Bullying: When Harmless Teasing Crosses the Line. I have learned a lot about bullying in your school district from the parents, students, administrators and staff. I am convinced that the information that has been gathered will help you …show more content…

It is going to give ways for parents and school staff to communicate with one another on the topic of bullying, and ways to resolve it. This paper is also going to touch on possible reasons that a bully does what they do, and show ways and suggestions to give help to both sides. This paper will also include the obligations parents and staff have to students to stop bullying, suggestions for programs to help stop bullying, and how society has to work together to put an end to this ever growing, tragic situation.

Bullying: When Does Harmless Teasing Cross the Line?
A Study on Bullying
There are many types of bullying that students experience today. Most bullying is experienced by students in grade 6-8 (graph A, appendix A). Of The students experiencing bullying, most are female (graph A, appendix A). These students are experiencing physical bullying, verbal bullying, relational bullying, reactive bullying and Cyberbullying. 63% of the male students surveyed said they that experience physical bullying above all other types listed, while 50% of female participants said they experience relational bullying (graph B, appendix A).
Physical bullying is the easiest form of bullying to detect. It includes, but is not limited to, hitting, kicking, punching and slapping. Relational bullying is not easily identified by school staff or parents. Relational bullying includes damaging of the bullied students relationship

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