
Bullying In Schools

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Bullying in Schools: Strategies for Prevention and Intervention
As the topic of bullying has been raised and covered extensively in both scholarly literature and popular media, the society these days starts to better grasp the deep social and emotional effects that bullying has on schoolchildren (Lazarus and Pfohl 1). The social campaigns to stop bullying in schools have in some cases achieved such a scale that some experts have expressed the warnings that the interventionist behavior of adults may bring more damage than good to children’s development (Guldberg). There is a need, therefore, to question what measures, strategies for prevention and intervention are the most effective, and when, possibly, there is a need for a teacher or school administration to step back and let the children sort the things out on their own. In this essay, I will discuss what bullying is and the strategies and implementations for administrators and teachers. Bullying overview: who, when, and why
The National Education Association as the “chronic infliction of physical hurt and/or psychological distress on another person” that can involve “physical contact, verbal attack or indirect actions of social aggression” defines bullying (National Education Association 1). Another type of bullying, more recent can be a cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying is defined as bullying of an individual via cell phones, instant messaging, and social networking sites like Instagram and Facebook. The number of

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