
Bullying Letter About Bullying

Decent Essays

I completed 8th grade at your middle school, and I recently completed my high school career as well. After spending five years in this district, I have decided to write you this letter in regards to an issue your schools seem to be plagued with: bullying. It happens everywhere, you say you've tried to stop it, but nothing seems to get resolved. This is why you are receiving this from me, as I have done my research and I would like this issue to be staked once and for all. The reason why the topic of high school and middle school bullying is such an important focus is all about the psychological evidence. According to a Duke University study, children who are bullied by peers will continue to face mental issues and damage as adults, so for the sake of the children, you must take this issue more seriously than you have in the past (Medicine, Duke). Bullying has been linked to depression, anxiety, and suicidal tendencies, although you may have already known that from the countless times anti-bullying campaigns have hammered it into your brain. Allow me to offer a realistic perspective from personal experience: after being bullied during 8th grade at your middle school, I became very self-conscious, and I have been that way ever since. The nasty girls in my grade convinced me to change who I was so I could fit in, and even when I did change, they still would not accept me into their 'social class'. I spent the next three years trying to change my outfit, hair and makeup to

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