
Bullying on the Rise Essay

Decent Essays

Bullying on the Rise Bullying comes in many forms, from teasing to harassment to physical aspects. When people talk about bullying, it seems to get swept under the rug, like it’s not a big deal. However, bullying is an epidemic. I believe the number one reason a child, or adult, is bullied has to do with being different. I think bullying is starting entirely too young in children, these days. I feel there is a difference between harmless teasing and bullying, but harmless teasing can turn into bullying in the blink of an eye.
When I was growing up, I was bullied but not until third or fourth grade. I was bullied because I came from nothing or due to my sibling’s differences. I was thin, with stringy unwashed hair, torn clothes that …show more content…

In middle school, the principal wouldn’t do anything about the bullying going on, even though it was reported many times. We took matters into our own hands at that point. Should we have? Probably not but someone had to get serious about protecting us from being hurt, physically and emotionally.
I always told myself, when I had children I would do everything in my power to keep them from going through the torture of being bullied like I was. I wanted them to enjoy school, not be afraid to attend. However, not all parents are attentive to their children’s behavior or care enough about what is happening at school, to prevent bullying.
My son, Layne, was just four years old, in preschool being bullied. Four years old! How are these four year olds being raised? For three months Layne was pushed around, hit with balls, stepped on in class yet the teacher did nothing. One day, I was picking him up from school and noticed his eye was puffy and red, not bad but enough that I noticed immediately. So I asked him what happened. He said someone hit him. His teacher acted surprised, like she didn’t know it happened. I was angry that my four year old son was physically bullied, yet his teacher had every excuse in the book why it had happened, and nothing had been done about it.
I started by talking to the principal and made a call to the district office because I was being told there was nothing that could be done about this. I felt it was my job as the mother of a bullied child

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