
Essay about Burmese Days Review

Decent Essays

I. Orwell, George. Burmese Days, Harcourt Inc, 1934.
287 pp.

Patrick Morgan

The World Since 1850


Burmese Days Book Review

September 27, 2010

II. George Orwell, born Eric Blair was born in Motihari, Bengal, a then British territory of India in 1903. He was very scholarly from a young age and earned scholarships to preparatory schools and both Wellington and Eton colleges. After furthering his education at Eton he joined the Indian Imperial Police Force in Burma. After 5 years he grew to hate the thought of British imperialism and resigned in 1928 to return to England. It is suggested by many that Burmese Days is loosely based on his service. Orwell was from a “lower-upper middle class” family, but chose to …show more content…

Veraswami stop and Dr. Veraswami’s reputation is reestablished. This leads to U Po Kyin’s plan to sink Mr. Flory by paying Mr. Flory’s former mistress to make a scene and kill all dreams he had with Elizabeth after she had taken him back for the second time. Which ultimately causes Mr. Flory’s depression and suicide and Dr. Veraswami to lose his powerful friend, chance of club membership, and his job. He is then demoted and sent to another area. Orwell gives most attention to the corruption that takes place due to the self-serving magistrate U Po Kyin. The most important feature of this book is the fact that though it is a novel it is based on events that occurred during this time, in this place. I was most amused by how the book links culture and social commentary to a romantic story. The story, for me, was tough to follow at first but once established I found the usage of side stories to clutch my interest.

IV. George Orwell writes this book to bring forth his thoughts and knowledge gained from living in working during the span of British colonization in Burma. Orwell is resentful of that of British imperialistic control of Burmese wealth, and mistreatment of the native people. Orwell pronounces how British control in Burma has ruined the culture of the natives and caused the few natives that gain political power to become corrupted and turn against their own people for their own self-gratification. Orwell relates the corruption of power to the

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