
Bus Descriptive Speech

Decent Essays

I had been dreading this day for four long months. My breathing got heavier with each step I took approaching the bus. I walked down a long paved pathway, and saw the enormous bus that I had been traveling in for the last two weeks, and I thought, “What did I just get myself into?” This is the day that I would say goodbye to all of my friends and teachers I had been with for the past two weeks. I would now be traveling in Germany without supervision. I climbed up the steps to the bus, and took a seat in the same spot I had always sat in. The bus was fairly large from the outside, but the second you stepped in, you realized that it was actually tiny. I sat down in my seat with my friends, and exchanged a few words about the trip. The seats were covered in an ugly purple print, that looked like it had just jumped out of the 80s. The bus had a clean smell, but was as hot as Africa in the summertime. I sat down and remembered what my mother always told me when I was having anxiety. She would say, “Laura just breathe, everything will be okay.” In this moment I had no clue how everything was going to be okay. As the bus loudly started, we departed from the last youth hostel. I felt like I was going to choke. The drive was about an hour and a half, but it felt like five minutes to me. I just sat in my seat and panicked. From the moment I sat down, till the moment I stood up, I was shaking. I felt like I was experiencing an earthquake, and there was nothing I could do. I could

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