
Business Analysis : Pearson Publishing

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Introduction Pearson Publishing is a very well established and known publisher which has a lengthy past of Excellency in delivering school resources, curriculum and leading the history of delivering essential curriculum resources to schools and became a market leader in way use of technology. Pearson publication holds 47% shares of the world’s largest publishers of books Penguin random house, as well as also holds 50% share in Economist Group, which is known to be specialised in international business. Pearson was first listed on London stock exchange and is also a part of FTSE 100 index, also had a secondary listing on New York stock exchange as American depository receipts. For more than 20 years Pearson group has been pioneering partner to a lot of institutes such as charities, schools, colleges and universities, business organizations as well as government. Some of the organizations attached globally, internationally, nationally and locally to Pearson are Microsoft, The united Nation and Cambridge International Examination, Water Aid, British Olympic Association, Cambridgeshire County Council etc. Sector index and Competitor Company Comparison (i)Market model Regression is a statistical tool used to estimate relationship between two variables, for example we can take one variable as weather and second variable sale of beer with the help of regression we can study the relationship between the two variables such as, what effect weather has on the sale of beer.

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