
Essay on Business Audit of Greggs: Bakery Retailer in United Kingdom

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Greggs Introduction History on Greggs Greggs plc is a bakery retailer in the United Kingdom; the Company has approximately 2,000 shops, supplied by approximately 10 regional bakeries. Greggs is owned by John Gregg, who set up the business in 1951, when he opened a small bakery on Gosforth High Street. Ian Gregg then took over the family business in 1964, where the business developed a reputation for good quality and great value. The business had expanded to over 260 shops by 1984, and today they have nearly 1,600 shops and are planning to open 600 shops over the next few years. There is a range of fresh bakery goods that Greggs offers to their customers, such as sandwiches and drinks in its shops. In addition to this it also provides …show more content…

Greggs feel they are catering for customer tastes towards paying more for less.’ The Daily Mail have an article on Greggs as they stated that ‘Bakery giant Greggs slims down pasties and bacon rolls while pushing up prices’. In the article it is said that the ‘High Street bakery Greggs has been slimming down its food - while still pushing up the prices. Several of the store's best-selling savouries have shrunk in size, however the ‘bakery giant has defended the shrinking size of its food, saying it is better on the waistline’. I feel that this does not demonstrate responsible because the customer is having to pay more for the product, but they are receiving less than before. This will also not reach the expectations of the customers as they are used to a certain standard for the product and this is being changed, yet the prices are being raised. For each of Greggs products they have nutritional information for all of them. The reason for this is because it allows the consumers to know what they are eating and what is in there food. On Greggs website it states ‘At Greggs, we care passionately about making great quality, delicious tasting food that our customers can enjoy as part of a healthy, balanced diet.’ According to the website ‘For several years Greggs have been working on their approach to healthier products and have concentrated on offering a diverse range of

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