
Business Contract ( The Contract )

Decent Essays

This Business Contract (the “Contract”) is made effective on the [Date Ordinal Number] day of [Month], [Year], by and between [Name 1] of [Address 1 including City, State, and Zip Code] and [Name 2] of [Address 2 including City, State, and Zip Code]. These parties have willingly agreed to enter into this Contract for the purposes set forth and made part of this Contract, on the following terms and conditions:

Purpose of the Contract

1. [Name 1] agrees to [sell goods specified/sell business specified/complete work specified]. [Name 2] agrees to [purchase goods specified/purchase business specified/receive completed work] from [Name 1].

[Name of product/business/work] [Quantity of …show more content…


7. [Name 1] will provide an itemized invoice for [Name 2] within [Number] days of delivering or transferring the [products/business/work].

8. [Name 2] shall make payment to [Name 1] in the amount of [Sum Total] within [Number] days from the receipt and acceptance of the invoice for [Goods/Business/Work].

9. A payment discount of [Percentage] percent applies of payment is made within [Number] days of invoice being received.

10. Payments to [Name 1] will be made in full as agreed, without any deductions for taxes.

11. If [Name 2] does not provide payment within the number of days specified, interest of [Percentage] percent per year, or the maximum amount allowable by law, is added to and payable on the overdue amount, whichever is less. [Name 2] will pay all collection costs, including without limitation, reasonable attorney fees.

12. In addition to any other right or remedy provided by law, if [Name 2] fails to provide payment, [Name 1] may consider this a material breach of the Contract. [Name 1] can cancel this Contract and/or seek legal remedies.

Intellectual Property

13. The business retains ownership of any data, information, or intellectual property disclosed in connection with this Agreement. This intellectual property may be used by either party in accordance with the license terms:

a. Intellectual property can be used in connection with the services, for the purpose for which products were originally purchased

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