
Business Description And Growth Strategies

Decent Essays

Business Description & Growth Strategies: DICK’S Sporting Goods, an American sporting goods retailer, was founded in 1948 by a young but up-and-coming 18-year-old Dick Stack. Upon being rejected from presenting his new idea by the owner of the Army surplus store he worked at, Dick received a $300 loan from his grandmother and blossomed that investment into much of the product line you examine today when visiting a DICK’S sporting goods location. As of today, Ed Stack, Dick’s son, is the current CEO and Chairman of the company. In addition to Ed, he and his siblings have purchased the store from their father and are responsible for the drastic expansion from just two stores to a comprehensive chain of over 600 store locations. Behind …show more content…

A few of the largest institutions that hold the most shares include Vanguard Group Inc., T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc., and BlackRock Fund Advisors (About US Pg. 1). With the majority ownership mostly being institutions, it will be interesting to see how their shareholder structure can potentially impact their corporate structure. Lastly, looking into DICK’S corporate governance, it was previously stated that the board contains 9 members. Furthermore, there are a total of 23 executives within the company, ranging from positions such as CEO, to independent directors. With many executives responsible for numerous activities, it can be concluded that the executives control the strategic goals/matters of the company. Industry Overview and Competitive Positioning: The sporting good retailer industry mainly sells sporting goods and equipment, such as bicycles, exercise gear, apparel, footwear, and numerous types of additions. The sporting goods division for the past few years has performed fairly well due to the strong demand for health-conscious individuals. Within the sector, there are a sizable number of small companies, as well as several large companies, that contribute to the total industry revenue. Porter’s Model, a framework that analyzes the level of competition within an industry, utilizes five forces (Bargaining Power of Suppliers, Threat of Substitutions, Industry

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