
Business Research Methods and Tools Essay

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Assignment One
BUS642 Business Research Methods and Tools
August 27, 2012
What is business research? Why should there be any question about the definition of research? “Business research is a process of planning, acquiring, analyzing, and disseminating relevant data, information, and insights…in ways that mobilize the organization to take appropriate actions that in turn, maximize performance.” (Cooper, & Schindler, 2011, p.4) Research is a planned and systematic process of inquiry and discovery providing decision makers with information and insight to more accurately answer proposed questions concerning business decisions thus lowering possible risk associated with those decisions. There should be questions on the definition …show more content…

Basic research is about understanding the various processes between memory, learning, and knowledge. It is about finding information simply to find information. While it may become applied later, it is not sought out for its application to current events. The question of whether a salesperson should be paid salary or commission as a basic research question would be; would the sales people be better motivated to sell if they were paid by commission or salary. An applied research will go into further detail of the basic question. It might suggest if we pay our salespeople salary or commission, would customer satisfaction drop? Another example would be, if a salesperson is performing subpar in sales, would changing the person pay from salary to commission improve the person’s sales? Would our salespeople’s attitude change toward customer if we pay them salary instead of commission?, would be another example. A sales force manager needs to have information in order to decide whether to create a custom motivation program or purchase one offered by a consulting firm. What are the dilemmas the manager faces in selecting either alternative? In the case of developing a custom program, the manager’s dilemmas might be finding personnel that can design the program. Does he have the qualified personnel to perform the program? He/she will have to decide if the personnel are qualified enough to design a program and perform the program once

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