
Business Scholars Research Paper

Decent Essays

Aristotle once quipped, “Happiness depends upon ourselves.” It has been proven, in my opinion, that his assumption is correct. We must make decisions and go after our dreams to make ourselves happy. I believe that being a part of the Business Scholars program is one brick in the foundation of my happiness.

The Business Scholars program is designed to help students get a foothold in the business world. This program is also designed to help students find the right career, and give them the life skills needed to succeed in the world. This program would show me the many different sides of the business world. It would also help solidify my goal to go into the business world after graduating college. When i set my sights on something, I don’t …show more content…

Some of the multitude of opportunities are presented by the Business Scholars program. Being a part of this program alone opens many doors. Throughout the four year membership to this program, students will encounter an abundance of people and just as many, if not more, chances to help them along the way to the perfect career for them. Students must take it upon themselves to take advantage of those opportunities. Being a part of this select group of highly motivated scholars will present me with many occasions meant to help my career and I plan to take advantage of those occasions. I am interested in the Business Scholars program because it will give me the opening I crave to pave the path to my future. Alan Turing was once told, “Sometimes it’s the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine.” I believe that quote describes my generation down to a T. Nobody expects us to or even believes that we can do anything to help the world. But in the near future, we will be leading the world. What better way to show that I’m ready to help run the world than to join the Business Scholars program and get as much experience as I

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