
Buying Feminine Hygiene Products For People Magazine 's September 2015 Edition

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ADVERTISER AND MEDIUM The advertiser for this product is Energizer, who is a manufacturer. This advertisement was shown in People magazine 's July 2015 edition. MARKET SITUATION Carefree is a lesser known and lesser used brand in comparison to its competitors, so its important for their ads to really resonate with their target market. Competition in this industry is mainly between Tampax, Always, and Playtex, which almost leaves Carefree out of the running. Carefree products are sold in Target, Walmart, and drugstores like Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid. Another thing to consider with this industry are the consumer attitudes towards these products. A lot of women tend to be embarrassed when buying feminine hygiene products because of the social stigma around periods, but the fact is that they still have to buy them. So, when the consumers go to the store to purchase these type of products they’ll usually purchase the same product every time because they know it works, they know where it is in the store, and they know the price, which makes the whole process go quickly. TARGET MARKET -- CUSTOMER PROFILE This print ad was published in People magazine. 70% of people’s readers are women, the majority of them falling into the 18-44 age range, with median age of 38. Most of the women readers are employed, with college degrees. Another percentage of readers are women with one or more children in their household (42%). Although the magazine does reach mainly women, the median

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