

Decent Essays

Final Essay
General Studies Capstone

Before I started at UCO, I completed courses at both Oklahoma City Community College and OSU-OKC. My very first semester of college was at OCCC where I was straight out of high school. I finished high school online, so starting over and going to class was a learning curve for me. I was very anxious and shy starting out. I remember the first day of class, it was Intro to Psychology, and before going into class I cried in my car for twenty minutes because I was so nervous. I thought college would be an extension of high school and that I didn’t want to go through again. Once I talked myself into going to class, the first hour I did not remember. However, I quickly realized that college is nothing …show more content…

I didn’t know what I wanted the degree to be in, I just personally did not want to only have an Associates degree. I decided to complete a General Studies Bachelors Degree because I felt that with such a broad degree there is so much I could do with it. After my first year at UCO, I was certain my mother made that decision with me. I realized that Echocardiography wasn’t the career destined for me; I found a quiet job in customer service at a precious metals company in Oklahoma City and began working there. I continued taking my college courses at UCO, mainly online except for the speech class due to my hectic schedule. I soon met a man that I know call my husband and we own a house, all things I only dreamed of happening to me. The General Studies Degree was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. I was able to take courses, which appealed to me, and some that were very different and challenging. There were few classes that I did not enjoy, one of which was Speech. I actually had to take this course twice, of course. The first time I took this course was in Fall of 2014. Writing the speeches and preparing myself was the easiest part of the whole semester and course. However, once standing in front of 25 strangers and speaking on a topic I thought I knew inside out, but kept choking on, was terrifying. I made it all the way through the semester and then failed to make

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