
Personal Narrative: My First NJROTC Program

Satisfactory Essays

I began my freshman year in August of 2013. I was nervous, not knowing what to expect. I was a very quiet and shy kid for as long as I can remember up until around my sophomore year. We were expected to select our classes for the upcoming year after being given a graduation requirement checklist and a link to the website that gave a paragraph describing each class. It was an overwhelming experience at the time and I ended up choosing Naval Science 1 (NJROTC) by mistake. The first day of school, merely barely having walked into the classroom I could tell that it was unlike any other class I had ever had. I was scared and told myself I would switch out. Every single day for probably four days I came home telling myself I would switch out of the …show more content…

NJROTC has given me a tremendous amount of opportunities to participate in community service, while also making it appealing and encouraging us all to do so. I have earned well over one hundred community service hours all through NJROTC. The program has also helped me to become more outgoing and not nearly as shy. For class we were expected to engage in class discussions and get to know our fellow classmates, which was a major key to getting me to open up. NJROTC has made me learn to not be afraid to speak up when something is wrong and speak my mind (tactfully) when I believe something is being done wrong and could be improved. I learned how to be an effective follower, as well as follower. I earned the rank of officer by the end of my sophomore year, earning the title of Platoon Commander. Since that day I have been learning how to lead and have learned to never stop improving, as improvements can always be made. This opportunity is unique and not every high schooler has the privilege of having had said opportunity. My experiences within the unit have helped me to grow as a person, learning to admit my mistakes and own up to them, uphold my commitments I make, and generally be a more open minded

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