
Cafe Nero Environment, Swot Analysis, Smart Objectives Essay examples

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Caffè Nero Facts 3

Environment Analysis 3 SWOT Analysis 5 SMART OBJECTIVES 6 SEGMENTATION 7 Marketing strategies 7 7Ps 8 Monitor and evaluating plan 10 Conclusion 10

FACTS | Gerry Ford set Caffe Nero up in 1997. His ambition was to bring a continental-style café to Great Britain with authentic Italian coffee, extremely good customer …show more content…

Political Factors
Political factors contain the stability of the countries in which Caffè Nero purchases its coffee and other raw produces. Coffee is grown in some quite dicey areas. In addition, they claim to be environmentally friendly, so they have to consider carefully the way to protect that brand in everything they do-from increasing the share of shade-grown and organic coffee, to providing a living wage that makes it to individual farmers, to having production techniques with low pollution rates.
Cultural Factors
Caffè Nero is always concerned about the culture and ethical values of the community. They serve food that goes with Italian culture. They take care of ethical and moral value of this community.

SWOT Analysis
Caffè Nero is the leading operator of Italian-style coffee bars in the dramatically rising United Kingdom coffee bar. Not only service with a high quality espresso based coffee but also there is an authentic offering of Italian style delicious food.
While the coffee bar market has obviously enjoyed strong growth some organizations can boast the financial performance of Caffè Nero. We believe that the group’s achievement base on main factors.
A high quality and well defined offering – the concept is differentiated from market leader Starbucks (i.e. European versus North American). There is also a high attention to detail to build a truly authentic European coffee house environment that is supported by

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