
Call and Qualification Analysis

Decent Essays


Call and Qualifications Analysis

Submitted to Dr. David W. Hirschman, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of the course,

LEAD 635
Pastoral Theology

Christopher Callaway

Call to Pastoral Ministry
In MacArthur’s book Pastoral Ministry How to Shepherd Biblically he discusses in chapter 6 some certain criteria that provides assurance or confirmation that what we believe to be a call to ministry actually is a call to ministry. The criteria consist of four specific things the first is confirmation of the call to ministry by others and God. I started this pursuit of ministry officially back in 2009 however I was saved when I was young and born again …show more content…

It is very difficult especially in today’s society to continually possess moral integrity, but it is possible especially if you are focused and serving a higher power such as God. Although as I stated it is very difficult especially when the devil is attacking I hold a high moral integrity, and struggle to maintain that every day. It is attacked or tested every day. Which is good in my opinion because it keeps you ready on guard all the time and battle tested so once I do aggressively and actively pursue ministry I will be battle hardened and tested ready to serve God in any capacity. I like to compare spiritual warfare with actual warfare since I have been through both and continue to go through both the battles I have been through give me that experience and surviving those battles gives me perseverance. I think there is one more criteria that ministry is your calling because I have experienced this so much more this I decided to pursue my personal call to ministry, and that is spiritual warfare aka attacks from the devil in all shapes and sizes. I mean literally to the day back in 2009 when I realized my purpose in life was to serve the lord in a ministry capacity the devil has attacked me and those around me I love who support my call to ministry relentlessly. It has been never ending for the past 7 years some of the attacks have been serious life altering situations, but

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