We all have learned that society’s models repeat themselves in patterns through time cycles. Entertainment has been offered freely to the citizens as substitutions for education since the ancient Roman times. A procedure done systematically in order to keep the power. Following the formula: The larger the percentage of ignorance of the many, the stronger the power of the few, the many are the victims of a camouflage hijacking. The revealing of the facts has been concealed, not disclosed in their entirety. A deliberate substitution that has been proven successful. Looking in depth of the equations of the adopted methods, we can see that there is insecurity behind it that it is responsible for the fear that the voters will rebel against the system …show more content…
The individual that is acting using those archetypes may as well possess all the riches and the power found in this world, yet if consciousness hasn't been gained, what’s left is a puppet in a life of illusions that equals to a lifeless state of being; a bone dry, arid, walking corpse. The beauty, that sometimes is not appreciated, is that even the worst status quo can be changed. The change is possible is just a matter of choice, surrender and will. The majority of the media has been complicit in the dirty misdeeds has covered up to protect the few. Wouldn't it have been better to disclose the facts, the happenings for all, instead of covering up for a few? Wasn't it Bob Dylan that sang " Gotta to serve somebody?” That reminds me of a situation when fear acts as an adrenaline downer that functions in the presence of the chance of losing that special job opportunity, a job that sees as a counterpart a copious reward of the “god” that man created. Therefore, when a man is asked to lie, he can truthfully say "I did it for God”. The question is which of the two? God or gold? There is much more behind the letter “l” added to the first. Public figures should talk for the benefit of all, if not, they should not talk. The report of the news has to be covered with integrity to permit the viewer to make his own assessment. …show more content…
I am talking about the telephony systems that has such a major importance in our lives. In my youth there were not instances that made us talk to machines until the introduction of the answering machine, that come later in time. The system, did work at his best in a simple manner without offering many choices and was provided at affordable price in relation to the cost of the living. The telephone that was originally envisioned and prototyped by the Italian inventor Antonio Meucci in the year 1808, in the Italian city Firenze, aka as Florence. He called his invention “Teletrofono.” Antonio Meucci, was denied to be the sole inventor and he was also deprived of his patented rights that were assigned to the Scottish born scientist Alexander Graham Bell. The invention was conceived as a device for communication between humans. The digital world of our days, often does not offer satisfactory alternatives and in many cases leaves us no other choices than talking and listening to frustrating recording machines. To be placed on hold during business transactions is a normal routine. Thanks to our patience and if we lucky enough, meaning if the line doesn’t drop, it is very possible that a third world country's operator will answer. Thanks to the globalization, those operators are very common because their services are compensated proportionally on a lower
We want to research and understand the usage and ownership of landline telephones, as well as the use and ownership of cellular telephones in Canada. Currently, there is not enough information gathered on the topic of how Canadians would react to the eradication of the landline phone. If this problem is not addressed, the risk of damaging the company’s finances increases.
We all have learned that society’s models repeat themselves in patterns through time cycles. Entertainment has been offered freely to the citizens as substitutions for education since Roman times, systematically done to keep the power. The revealing of the facts has been concealed, not disclosed in their entirety. Following the formula: The larger the percentage of ignorance of the many, the stronger the power of the few. A deliberate substitution that has been proven successful.
After reading the article, “The dumbing down of voters,” by Rick Shenkman, I was first shocked by his claim that public has an immense lack of knowledge concerning politics. But the more I thought about the claim the more I realised the truth about the statement. Many people in the United States are oblivious to what the government is doing and who is a part of the government. The lack of knowledge from the public is also unsettling because if the public doesn’t know basic knowledge like what are the three branches of government, then the country could take a turn for the worst. Voters are also giving out their votes to presidential candidates that local newspapers focus on because they either are too lazy or ignorant to think for themselves
unacceptable conduct and will not be tolerated” (para 3.) It also states in the overview that “The prevention of sexual harassment is a commander’s responsibility” (para 1.) This regulation is important because it gives clear information on where the Department of The Army stands on these matters. In section 7-7 “Techniques of dealing with sexual harassment”, the soldier is encouraged to handle the situation by using a “direct approach, Indirect approach, Third
Singer’s premise that educated and ethical citizens are the solution to a repressive government is a strong, yet controversial claim. However, I believe that the reality of this statement relies on human nature, something that can be unpredictable. Many governments have covered up their actions in order to blind the public to the corruption and evil that has taken part in, as well as to retain their power over their people. Singer argues that a
A form of journalism called Muckraking was born during the Progressive Era at the turn of the twentieth century. Originally, Muckrakers, writers of muckraking pieces, told in their pieces the corrupt, unlawful, and dangerous goings-on of the middle class life via magazines, books, and other forms of writing. Muckraking since has evolved into a form of writing we today call investigative reporting, in which the author of the piece is forced to dig deep into a corrupt, unlawful or dangerous endeavor, and tell the world about it. An example of Muckraking is David Barstow’s piece in the New York Times in 2009 about a program at the Pentagon that took retired military officers and made them analysts for major TV and radio networks. These analysts,
Although many people may like to think of America as a honest and moral nation, it is no secret that artifice has cemented itself as an indispensable skill, exploited by many to achieve their own ambitions. Artifice, characterized through the usage of cunning devices or expedients to deceive others, is often utilized by politicians and organizations to help push their own agendas. As illustrated by Chris Hedges in his social commentary, Empire of Illusion, “artifice” has emerged to become so ubiquitous and essential throughout American society, whether in business or the entertainment industry. Essential, in the essence that without it, people in any industry are more likely to be disadvantaged in achieving their personal goals. In today’s modern world, no area has seen more abuse of artifice than in the field of media and politics. Its common knowledge that newspapers skew reports to their own biases and politicians often tell half-truths to cover-up ulterior motives. Unfortunately, these politicians and media giants hold extremely influential positions in society, and their usage of artifice is extremely damaging to the integrity and accountability within the United States. As a result, the press as well as the general populace must utilize free speech to expose this behavior. Despite the complete immorality of the usage of artifice, such chicanery remains essential for success in media and politics.
When watching the news, we often take what we see and hear as fact, rather than checking with other sources to make sure that what is being said is true. This is because we see these newscasters as credible sources to be listened to without question. These news channels have gained this credibility through many different methods. First, they do their research and check their facts for accuracy. They may omit some details, but never do they expressly lie. This is how they maintain credibility even when stretching a story. Second, they report on sensitive subjects and subjects we think are important. They like to phrase things to make it seem like they are they good guys and those who try to keep the information quiet are trying to keep their audience in the dark. By sharing these sensitive and controversial topics they are seen as more trustworthy, as though by telling us about these heinous acts even though they’ve been told not to is a heroic act. Third, they include interviews with people who have knowledge of the field they are discussing. For example, in the news broadcast I
The decline in voter turnout at the turn of the century has always been a concern for politicians and scholars alike. The very fact that voters are responsible for changing or keeping the country’s leadership means that this development should be a concern not only to a few individuals but also to the whole nation. The government, political parties, and focus and interest groups have tried to find ways to increase the motivation to vote while easing the voting process. However, these methods have been less successful than expected. While the motivation to vote relies on factors such as the attributes of voters, political socialization, and electoral laws and rules, the impact of political parties and their aspirants supersedes any strategy
In this year of 2016 many people of the middle class in the United States are going through a social crisis. Four years have already passed by in the blink of an eye and it is about time to elect a new president. Since president Barack Obama has served the maximum of two terms as president, he no longer holds anymore years of eligibility to serve as the United States of America’s president. In the first few pages of chapter ten social institutions: politics, education, and education it focuses on democracy and what voting in America is like. According to the chapter from a sociologist perspective, democracy is a government that confers power to the people through the election process. The people decide who they think should lead. But many citizens of America votes may differ due to many factors, one of them being every individual’s financial class.
The decline in both education and the amount of voters in elections is starting to affect the political world. Looking for the explanation of why the voter turnouts are so low and how it can be changed will be examined within this
The telephone that we know today is completely different from the one of the past. Today we can individually press each number quickly to call someone. We can even call someone through the computer without the person actually owning a phone. The telephone of the past had the numbers on a curricular disc. This design made forced you to tediously move each number to a specific
Today it is clear to all as to why this upheaval, madness, blood-shed starts as the Election-process gets underway? Isn’t it a manifestation of some politicians’ insecurity? Affliction of narcissistic personality-cult? To whom facts, in Orwellian terminology, becomes ‘un(non)facts’, persons ‘un(non)persons’. When convenient unpersons and unfacts are revived. The personal vectors are conveniently promoted, conversely if situation demands, demoted. Their governing principle: ‘Truth is the political line of the day.’ In their need to hold onto power, making of a dictator, tyrant, despot and overbearing autocrat is a requirement of the time. Psychologists might say, such requirement is a compensation for inner vulnerability. Afraid to face the inner-Shadow, in Jungian terms, they project that Shadow onto others who then become their enemies and thus represent everything that stands in the way of success and comfort.
In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone which enabled people to communicate with one another in an efficient manner. Since then technology has advanced at a rapid pace allowing people to be more connected than ever before. For example, a person working for Pepsi Co in Houston can easily connect with their counterpart in London or Mumbai. The invention of the internet has allowed business to communicate across the world within seconds thus creating a global economy that depends on one another.
We are living in an electronic age. The whole world is taking a new turn with every fraction of time. It has given birth to globalization. The world has been contracted and concise at a tip. There are a lot of new means of communication which have made our life so simple and easy going. Mobile phone be the most used present-day phenomenon in this fast-growing time. Mobile phone is a revolutionary step in the field of tele-communication. We had the days when the telephones only served the purpose of communication through sound. Mobile phone has completely changed the concept of the telephoning. Now a phone is not only a mere phone but it is a lot. The mobile phone has changed how people’s minds work.