Worked both indoors at the southeast branch location and outdoors at Camp Arrowhead (May-August). Responsible for keeping members and campers safe by enforcing pool rules, monitoring pool activity and responding quickly and effectively to medical emergencies. Lifeguard, CPR pro, AED, and emergency oxygen certifications were required for this
I am Jeffrey Romelus from Brockton, Massachusetts. I have been attending Camp Sankaty for 4 years. While at camp I would be responsible at times in the dormitories. It would be my responsibility to make sure everything was in order. I have helped during the morning and during the night.
In the winter of 1777 and 1778 Washington’s winter camp was in Valley Forge 18 miles from Philadelphia. The Continental Army is the official army of the 13 colonies who helped Washington. Would you have quit Washington’s winter camp at Valley Forge? No I would not quit Washington’s winter camp at Valley Forge because there are a lot of sick people but not a lot of dying, I don’t want to be a “summer soldier” because freedom is worth fighting for, and Washington is also getting help from the Committee of Congress.
The rough times, the hungry days , the cold nights they suffered through. According to the background essay, it was winter at camp Valley Forge in Philadelphia during 1777-1778. George Washington led a continental army to train soldiers to fight in the american revolution against Britain. If you had been a soldier in Washington’s army would you have given up and left? I know if I were a soldier at Valley Forge I would quit because of the cold winters, numerous amounts of deaths and illnesses and also the harsh conditions.
The U.S. Army ran the camps, but foresters, carpenters and other people directed the work. The CCC fought forest fires, planted trees, built roads, buildings, picnic areas, swimming areas, campgrounds and created many state parks. When not working, the men socialized and had opportunities to learn crafts and skills.
Many units where on picket duty around the encampment or part of the quartermaster and commissary department to gather supplies in the surrounding
Throughout WWII, people of different countries were interned and imprisoned in camps all over the world. Japanese-Americans on the West Coast were taken out of their homes and placed in internment camps like Manzanar to detain them from communicating with Japan. Families were torn apart in these camps, leaving them scattered across the United States. The Japanese-Americans were deprived of the claim of habeas corpus, and soon they attempted to return to the life that they lived before the war. Even after Camp Manzanar was closed and World War II ended, Japanese-American families on the West Coast still experienced prejudice and unfairness in their new lives.
For over 60 years, Camp Young Judaea Texas (CYJ) continues to flourish and expand our reach in local Texas communities. We receive over 600 campers each summer and administer programming to over 5,000 individuals during the year. CYJ is committed to providing individuals of all financial backgrounds with opportunities to be a part of our camp programs. Through dynamic camp activities and superior retreats, our organization supplies both children and adults with a fun, educational space that fosters spiritual growth, social activism, philanthropy, and a passion for preserving the environment.
Holocaust survivors after the war, were not completely done with the suffering. Most lost their homes, belongings, and family to the germans. So when they were released from the camps exhausted and confused, what did they do? Well, most of them moved away or tried to return to their homes. Anywhere they could go to escape the germans, they went. Even after the war was over, anti-semitism still lingered in europe. Despite being mass-liberated, there continued to be violent protests and threats towards jews.
Where did you learn to play basketball, play defense and offense, or be part of a team? There’s a good chance it was at camp, right? We know that camp is not just a place for kids to spend a fun summer, but an excellent setting in which kids can learn life skills that they will rely on long after the camp experience has passed.
The movie begins with Simon Srebnik going back to Chelmno, he is one of the two survivors. He was taken to Chelmno when he was thirteen, his father was killed in front of him, and his mother died in the gas vans. He was known throughout the camp for his agility and his beautiful singing voice. Before abandoning the camp the Nazis shot everyone, including him, in the head. He was left for dead, but was found and survived. Simon went back to tell of the experience he had. He cannot believe what happened as he walks along what is left of the frame of the buildings. He said that 2,000 were burnt per day, but he remembers the camp as being peaceful. No one ever shouted, they just went about their work. He was forced to go up the river, under
Power relates to influence because in order for a person to be in a position where they have power, others must be dependent on them for one thing or another. The greater the subjects depend on the person, the more power a person has. When one is then in a position of power, they can influence others who are dependent on them in order for the needs of the dependent subjects to be satisfied. Influence cannot be exerted over people who are not dependent on the person, thus leaving that person without power.
In the case study Carolina Wilderness Outfitters, Sue Ramos the head of internal auditing, launched an investigation based on improper termination, which turned up a new allegation of possible accounting irregularities and potential fraud.
When I was taking a photo of the purple sky and two stretching lakes across the Bonney Pass in the Teton Mountains; I knew this place that I loved had transformed me into a better person and a more confident woman.
because of the love of a baby. Tommy Luck was known as "The Luck of
I would like to attend Camp Sankaty Head because I have only heard good thing about it from my two friends the attended last summer. I heard that the staff and other kids attending are great. Also, I feel like it will prepare me for my future like of work.