
Can Raise Educational Standards. Our Analysis Suggests

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can raise educational standards. Our analysis suggests that the English policy of increasing school, spending over the past few years has been worth the investment. Doane B.T (2008) Studied the relationship between school facilities & academic achievement. This project involved an interview with three faculty members at each of three high schools in rural Appalachian Ohio. In order to be considered for participation in this study, the chosen schools had to meet one of following criteria: recently having moved into a new facility, currently building a new facility, or having no current plans for new construction. the majority of interview participants felt that the building does have an effect on pupils achievement it found that the …show more content…

Findings revealed that the three lass factors (Class size, student classroom space and class utilization rate), when taken together, determined significantly secondary school students academic performance in Oyo state between 1997 and 2002. These factors, when taken separately, also determined significantly secondary school student 's academic performance in the state. Kathryn & Margaret (2003) attempted an empirical study of the impact of school inputs on pupils ' performance in private (independent) schools in the United Kingdom. The used a new school-level panel dataset constructed from information provided by the Independent Schools Information Service (ISIS). We show a consist tent negative relationship between the pupil-teacher ratio at a school and the average examination results at that school. Our estimates indicate that the relationship persists even when we are estimating "added-value" models conditional on previous exam results. A particular advantage and distinguishing feature of our dataset is that it consists entirely of private schools. This is important for several reasons. First, re-sources vary widely between private schools – much more so than for state schools. It may therefore be easier to identify a relationship between resources and pupil out-comes. Secondly, on average, private schools have a lower pupil-teacher ratio than state schools, which

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