
Career Comparison

Decent Essays

Comparison of Career Choices
As a college student, it is important to prepare for the future that one truly desires. Majoring in business administration offers a wide variety of career choices. The idea of becoming a business owner is a dream that many preserve. Another interesting career choice would be an administrative assistant. Because of the differences in salaries, benefits, and possible work schedules of owning a women’s boutique, and working as an administrative assistant, it’s obvious that the two lead opposite paths. There’s a wide range of profitable income regarding salary as a new business owner. All businesses are different when discussing wages. It depends on experience, location, industry and special skills. Predicting the …show more content…

It’s totally the individuals’ dedication and obligation to contribute to the business as much as needed. When starting a new business, it is believed that one should be there as much as possible. As a successful women’s boutique owner, overall the work schedule will require to be full-time. Factors determining the salary of an administrative assistant would be location, education, experience and performance. Administrative assistants are employed to a wide variety of fields. Fields may include working in a hospital, an insurance company, the military, and many more. With that being said, the salary of an administrative assistant will depend on what field and company an individual may work for. Benefits such as, health, dental, life insurance and 401K, are most likely offered through the company in which one works for as an administrative assistant. Normally it is the individuals’ decision to determine the type of coverage he/she would like. This meaning the cost that one may have to pay out of pocket versus what the company in which the individual works for will cover. Working for someone else means that the company will have guidelines to who is able to receive these benefits. An example would be; he will have to work at Blank Company for 3 months in order to receive health

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