
Career Development Is the Responsibility of the Individual.

Decent Essays

I will be highlighting two points to substantiate our stand that career development is the responsibility of the company. The two points are, individual career development is limited and career plateau.

Firstly, as mentioned by my first speaker, career development is important as it trains employees to be adaptable to different kind of working environment and situations. Furthermore, as stated by Stone 2009, career development is organisation-centered. This means that career development is the company’ responsibility.

Thus, this substantiates my first point that individual career development is limited as employee’s career aspirations will not be matched with the organisations’ opportunities. This is because, companies provide …show more content…

Under career plateau, I will be highlighting the point of women and careers together with work-family conflict. According to Stone 2009, career satisfaction for women is most adversely affected by work-family conflict. Work-family conflict involves situations such as family responsibilities, lack of experience, lack of motivation and many more. In our present society, women are juggling between work and family. Thus, they are not capable of being responsible for their own career development leaving the responsibility to the company to handle the career development for them. Furthermore, according to the American institute of stress 2000, 85% of employees feel stress due to work and family issues. Out of this 85%, 52% are women. Thus, not only stereotyping women, but employees in general face the stress from work related issues and family issues. This pushes them to career plateau as they do not have motivation to move forward in their career. Thus, employees need a driving force to guide them in their career development. This not only benefits the company but the individual as well. This is because, according to the ministry of law in Singapore 2009, career development provides training and mentoring services not only on relevant areas of work but also personal development such as coping with stress and managing both family and

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