My career goal is to become a computer (hardware) engineer. To go to college and get a bachelors degree in the computer field. I have chosen this career because ever since a young age I have loved to play games and spend time on the computer. I eventually got interested in how computers work from the inside, how each component is important and makes the system work. I believe I will succeed because of the determination I have to work in this field. I overall enjoy computers and making them peaks my interest. Some experiences I have had to influence my career is building computers. I have installed every part of a computer many times over, from upgrading parts to fixing broken ones. It is a great feeling after actually building a system, turning
Do you remember a time when you were young, maybe around first grade? The teacher asked everyone what they wanted to be when they grow up. Some children said they wanted to be doctors or firefighters or even an astronaut. I said I wanted to help others learn; I wanted to be a teacher. Going into my journey of senior year, my life has changed; however, my career path has not. I want to help children learn, to become the best they can be. Children, in my opinion, are the greatest assets that are in this world. In the teaching/education class offered by Four Rivers Career Options, I will understand more to be prepared with what will be expected in this career choice. After completing the experience of Four Rivers I will attend college and be ready to teach elementary kids. This will be the start of my career path.
The career I chose to undertake as my profession is that of a mechanical engineer. Why do I want to become a mechanical engineer? Well, for starters, I would be able to design, build and possibly repair many various machines and other technologies that are complex. These technologies can range from being already in use on a global scale to new, futuristic designs that are highly technical. Also, this career includes being a sort of jack-of-all-trades, where I would possess knowledge in mathematics, physics, etc. Finally, this career offers me the chance to expand outside my immediate area since mechanical engineers are well desired around the globe as well.
I have been working on my academic career for many years now. I am currently in my third year of community college, and have come across multiple teachers who have helped and inspired me in many ways. A teacher not only teaches the content of their course, but life skills as well. They are kind, caring, considerate, and understanding of their students. A teacher who goes above and beyond for their students is one that will make a difference. One teacher who I believe has made all the difference to me, was my accounting professor.
When I first read To Kill a Mockingbird, I fell in love with Atticus Finch’s character; he was a calm, fair lawyer who fought for the wronged. Lawyers represent individuals, businesses, and organizations in court, as well as read wills and deeds. Criminal prosecutors represent clients who have had a crime committed against them. I chose this career because being a lawyer, especially a criminal prosecutor, requires laying out facts in a clear and concise manner, as well as verbally framing evidence in such a way as to support my client and convict the defendant, and elucidate upon the case itself. It is important to understand and be able to fulfill the education requirements, skills needed, salary and benefits offered, and the duties performed when choosing a career.
Choosing to go back to school? If so it may help you to better understand the resources that you have at your disposal before you start your college career, or even resuming your college career. There are many resources that are available to you through your school and your community. You just have to know where to look, this paper will cover some of the many resources that your school and financial can offer. I hope it is of some help.
I never thought anything like this would happen. How could it happen?Why did it have to be my best friend. I just didn’t understand or get why it was happening because there had never been any signs of it. Why cancer?
There are several ways to start looking at colleges, one is by a way of research. Deciding what college career to do after high school can be difficult because of schedules and working, which is very time consuming. While doing all this, there is still the problem of determining the future of our careers. During the high school journey, trying to figure out your life before that wonderful graduation day, and, trying to be an adult can cause more stress in life. This research has been very helpful for this year and for the future.
I want to be a nurse practitioner when I grow up. A nurse practitioner ,or commonly known as NP, can treat and diagnose illnesses and can also conduct lab tests.(“Welcome to Top Master’s In Healthcare Administration”)
“But whether small or great, and no matter what the stage or grade of life, the call rings up the curtain, always, on a mystery of transfiguration—a rite, or moment, of spiritual passage, which, when complete, amounts to a dying and a birth” ( Campbell 42). When I was young, I had a lot of dream careers or jobs. Every time I watch a movie I always get inspired on doing whatever the career of the main character is. For example, after I watch a war or an action movie like the Lone Survivor or a James Bond movie, I immediately want to aspire on becoming a military soldier or a spy. It takes time and maturity to fully realize what I wanted to become. But since the beginning I know for sure that becoming a writer or any career that relates to writing is not my call to adventure. I hate writing a lot because I sucked on it. I just
In my career research report, I am going to be trying to accomplish some of my goals. I feel like it’s time to start planning for my future and what I want to do with it, so a main goal is to find a suitable career for me. I have already seen some amazing career opportunities for me to think about. Though I really hope I can get at least an A on my research paper and make sure I enjoy the whole process of doing this project.
Throughout my life, I always wondered what my profession would be when I grew up. My first choice was to be a nurse because I love to help people and make sure that they are well taken care of. When I reached high school, my thoughts about nursing tapered off because other careers interested me even more, such as becoming a lawyer. As I began researching more and more about lawyers, I talked to my work based learning teacher at school, and she recommended a part time job at a law firm. I began calling around, and entering my senior year of high school, I received my first job at a law firm. The first days of working at the law firm, I was extremely excited because I thought that I would be one step closer to reaching my goals as an attorney. I had the privilege of seeing what the attorneys did throughout the day, however as my experience in the firm progressed, my interest in becoming an attorney dwindled. I then realized I was back to square one and was extremely discouraged, because I did not know what I wanted to do with my life.
The career I chose is a secondary education teacher. More commonly referred to as a highschool teacher. A highschool teacher teaches grades 9th-12th and generally focuses in one subject area. High school teachers help prepare students for life after graduation. They teach academic lessons and various skills that students will need to attend college and to enter the job market (“U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics”). I chose this career because I want to be able to make a difference in young people’s lives and help shape them into good people. “I know that I have a huge impact on my students not just now, but for the rest of their lives,” says Linda Shelly, a high school math teacher in Glendale, arizona. “Seeing them rise to the challenge gives me great pride.” (“Teaching For a Living: Career Outlook”).
What is the importance of goals? Do goals help you plan out your future? Or possibly give you something to work for? To me goals provide a map of what I want to do, how I’m going to do it, and why I want to do it. Goals also provide a sense of accomplishment when you finally get to finish whatever you’ve been working towards. The need for goals in life is clear, because without goals, we wouldn’t get much done. Simply because of the fact that there wouldn’t be anything to work towards, and no structure to our future. One of my most important goals is to graduate college, to get a career in psychology. This goal is extremely important to me because of the fact that not many people in my family have even finished high school.
My career and education goals are to go UARM and focus on Machine tool technology. Right now I am currently taking the class after my high school classes and I would like to keep working in this area because so far I really enjoy the class and I love the hands on work we do with the machines and computers. In Mena the are lots of jobs in this field and I would still like to live here.
My experiences and education has played an integral role in molding me into the person I am today. I chose to come to Michigan State because of the opportunities it will provide me. I faced many obstacles in high school and did poorly my first two years due to health issues. Applying to colleges was a major concern of mine, but with the support from my counselors and family I was able to get into a school as prestigious as MSU. I went from a 2.0 GPA my freshman and sophomore year, to a 4.0 GPA my junior and senior. I was very unhappy in the beginning of high school due to my lack of success, relationship with my parents, and health issues. When I finally realized I needed to make a change and started setting goals for myself, that’s when my happiness turned around. I can honestly say that I am the happiest I’ve ever been at Michigan State. I have been able to meet many new people, invited to the Honors College, and accepted into the business school. From this experience I believe happiness directly effects your success.