
Caregiver Survey

Decent Essays

Two articles formed the basis for this PICO question about caregivers’ satisfaction. The first article conducted a cross-sectional study with a sample of caregivers with different caregiving extents ranging in age 50-89 years with the aim of investigating life satisfaction with contributing factors. This article pays particular attention to the factors associated with the satisfaction of being a caregiver. Part of the study employed a questionnaire using a form called Life Satisfaction Index Z (LSIZ) to measure caregiver’s life satisfaction, with scores ranging from 0 to 26. A high score shows an overall level of high satisfaction. To illustrate, frequent caregivers had lower life satisfaction with an average score of 14.8, whereas, …show more content…

This is associated with depression since most caretakers are forced to give up their jobs, and stay home to care for their terminally ill relatives. To make matter worse, caregivers are more likely to lack or have limited health insurance due to the fact that they left their job and they are likely to suffer health issues themselves both physically and mentally. The study was conducted to prove when caregivers’ needs are not met via assistance when taking care of terminally ill family members it becomes an expanding problem with risk associated with their responsibilities. Naturally, the unmet needs of these caregivers and the increased levels of burden are risk factors for burnout which is shown through multiple workloads, self-sacrifice and even keeping feelings to oneself. Fleming emphasizes that poor family support or intervention coupled with increased anxiety and physical illness increase caregiver risk as well. The study points out the information to ease the burden of caregiving including help from the physician, financial relief in the form of a tax credit, effective and compassionate communication and counselling. Nevertheless, it should have focused more on the individual needs of the caregiver as they change over the course of the time spent taking care of the care recipient. That is to say, actors associated with more successful interventions are the extent to which they are tailored to the needs of the individual and address issues to do with subjective burden (Brodarty,

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