
Analysis Of On War By Carl Von Clausewitz

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Carl Von Clausewitz is a Prussian soldier who wrote about warfare and strategies that he achieved while in combat. He was very influential. One of his very known works would be his article, “On War”. In this article he argues mainly in his first chapter, what is war and also what does the meaning of war pertain to. I will summarize two sections of his article that relate to his argument as well as analyzing his argument. Do I believe his argument on what war is is valid? Are his strategies on warfare achievable? In chapter 1, section 2: Definition, Clausewitz writes about the definition of war. He says that we must not look upon the word war itself, but confine to its essence, the duel. He relates two wrestlers within a duel. This duel between two wrestlers is a war to see who is stronger and more successful. He explains that war is an act …show more content…

So, what is war? According to Clausewitz, war is nothing but a duel on a larger scale and a duel or war’s immediate action is to overthrow an enemy. I agree with Clausewitz’ definition on war and that we should see the significance within war. The significance is truly overthrowing your enemy. Whoever is fighting against another must be incapable of further resistance within another. Upon our own will, the object we must impose on is the enemy. The physical force is the plan of action to overthrow the enemy. In the fourth section, Clausewitz impose on two aims. First one being to disarm your enemy. I agree with him because this will put the enemy to an unfair disadvantage. Without weapons, there will not be any severe harm. All the enemy has to do is to resist further action. The second aim or object when in duel would be to overthrow. Try your hardest to overthrow your enemy when they have already been disarmed. What will they loose that you will loose? Possibly strength or weakness. The object of fighting is to stop

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