
Carney Landis Ethical Considerations In Research

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Carney Landis a man that studied facial expressions that accompany strong emotions. There are about 10 different ways I can imagine this study being brought to life by looking at the subjects interest to see how they react to different things. But Carney Landis had other ideas and quite frankly these ideas go completely against The ethical considerations in Research that the American Psychological Association had comprised. There are about five different guidelines consisting of, The protection from harm which would give a study a bigger amount of participants due to that fact they know nothing harmful would happen to them. Informed consent so the participant has full knowledge of what can happen while being involved with the study, from the information the participant gathers and …show more content…

From reading the rules for ethical behavior and reading about what Carney Landis as done during his study I can see multiple red flags. He had subjects put their hands in a bucket of water containing frogs and once the subjects got a feel for something living in the bucket he would send an electrical shock through their hand, He had subjects watch pornography, and even told subjects to behead a living rat and if they wouldn’t do it he would and they would have to watch it happen. This study was so unethical considering all of the points I went over previously that researchers should be following. During his study he didn’t pay any respect to his subjects or make sure they were emotionally stable after the set of experiments and especially after the beheading of the rat. He never even informed them that if they got too uncomfortable that they could leave the study, and didn’t even inform them of all of the events he had planned for them. Lastly he didn’t treat the animals he used in a humane way, he had people sticking their hands in a bucket of the frogs and beheading

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