
Case Coke Cero

Decent Essays
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Universidad de La Sabana
Presentado a: Luis Fernando Correa
Presentado por: John Jairo Arango Sánchez 201220119 Sergio Franco Borda 200920863 Vivian Jimena Mesa Torres 201120968
Miguel Orlando Rincón Latorre 201210277

Case chapter 8
Coke Zero : Do real men drink diet coke ?
Case Analysis

1. Background :
The Coca Cola Company identified that no company was satisfying young men needs. Almost 10 years ago, Coke executives set out to change the by introducing Diet Coke and Diet Coke Plus, and in 2005 they launched a brand that defied the odds: …show more content…

Pepsi Max was introduced in 1993 in international markets and in the U.S. in 2007.
Despite the accolades, Coke Zero stumbled out of the gate. Big success came only after Coca-Cola adjusted on the fly.
The drink was initially marketed with a tagline of "everybody chill" -- a vague emotional message that didn 't work. Consumers were left confused about what the brand meant. The Coke Zero brand team had studied beer ads for clues to appealing to young adult men, but the team hadn 't clearly explained Coke Zero 's reason for being in the market.
The company sought to boil down Coke Zero 's intrinsic value with a message that it delivered "real Coke taste, zero calories." Five years on, the marketing pitch remains the same.
Coke Zero was initially sold in white cans and bottles. In the feedback from consumers, Coca-Cola researchers noticed a problem. The white packaging connoted diet drinks, and among the coveted young male demographic, diet connoted "female." The company quickly borrowed an idea from its Australian division and swathed Coke Zero in black. Within six months, the new marketing and packaging were in place, and the brand took off.
In 2009, a year in which overall soda sales shrank by about 2 percent, Coke Zero sales jumped 20 percent in the U.S., from 97 million cases to 116 million,

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