
Case Study: Canby House DIR Report

Satisfactory Essays

 Sat with Mario on Wednesday to go over the Canby House DIR Report. The data quality score was 94%. He already started fixing the errors. As of today it is 97.84%. There are still a few errors to be fixed, so by the end of next week the data quality score should be close to 99%. Will keep you informed. Also, started training Mario on Monthly Management Report. We went over the client roster report generated from HMIS, to check on new enrollments, as well as adding the new households into our internal tracker. He has to keep the tracker up to date in order to be able to identify the discrepancies on Monthly Management Report.
 Sat with Sandra to go over the Participant Roster. Explained the report logics and showed how to track the data needed for the Participant Roster Report. I will continue to work with both Mario and Sandra to train them on how to consolidate data from multiple spreadsheets to check the accuracy of Monthly Management Reports
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 Worked on the CA DIR. Our DIR reports are due on April 7th. Sandra and I will be fixing CA and RR data errors, while Mario is in charge of Canby House DIR.
 Per our conversation this Monday, I pulled all January enrollments and there are 14 households that were screened and/or enrolled into coordinated assessment in January, but because they were entered into HMIS in February, the January Report (which has already been submitted to LAHSA) is missing all 14 households. I am not sure what you want me to do about that. Should I email Martha Macias?
 Rosa joined our team on 3/17/2016. She had her orientation with Sophia from 3:00p -5:00pm. She will start her regular work schedule on Tuesday, March

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