
Case Study: Carc Bibs

Satisfactory Essays

Our corporation is B.H.P.S. CarC Bibs the owners are Jasmine Barajas, Terry Horn, Carolyn Pennywell, and Alexis Sevillano. Our product is a safety device, a bib that protects the fasteners on the infant and toddler car seat. The customers will be consumers who have infants and toddler. That is parents, day care owners, babysitters and anyone that drive the population of infants and toddlers. These consumers need our product because so many of this population feed the infant and toddler while driving them to day care centers and babysitter in the mornings on their way to work, and also on other trips in their cars. It will be successful because it is a protection device that helps save lives when necessary. This product keeps food and liquids out of the fastener device of the car seat. While there are many different types of bibs on the market there is only one known company that produces a bib that comes close to the CarC Bibs. However, their …show more content…

Manufacture infant and toddler car seat safety devices to protect the fasteners on their car seats. It is our mission to provide a quality safety bib for our customers. To achieve this, we are dedicated to making our product of the highest quality level possible. Our goal is to be perceptive, and innovative with new ideas that improves the achievements customer satisfaction, and quality service and product excellence for our customers.
Our objectives are to maintain professional and ethical business practices at all time. Focus on the needs of the community, and support the infant and toddler’s programs in the local communities that purchase our products. Our corporate social responsibility to colleagues, bosses, and customers is to assess any disagreement that constitutes unethical conduct. We will take responsibility for the behavior of our employees and do our best to resolve the problem as reasonable as

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