
Case Study : Castle 's Family Restaurant

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Executive Summary Castle’s Family Restaurant being the growing and successful family owned chain of restaurants carrying out in an active yet cost-effectively challenged environment is to be applauded. To continue to complete the strategical business goals of living out the (related to big business) mission and expanding the current chain as well as future chains, the business plan presented in detail will speak to current challenges being faced within the payroll processes and the recommendations in dealing with each of these needs so that the organization can meet and go beyond current and future goals. Jay Morgan, who is currently the operations manager and carries the responsibilities associated/connected with payroll and all it involves. The payroll process is extremely important to the organization and the threats associated with implementing these types of activities are very high. Executing an automated Human Resource Information System also known as (HRIS) will alleviate and or reduce these threats/risks, which in turn will be more helpful to current and future goals in growing the organization. Presently Castle’s exploit Cfactor to address other parts of the business; the recommendations explained in detail suggest Payroll and all the workers in company add-ons, which will combine other things perfectly with the current surrounding conditions. The solution is cost effective and will reduce the opportunity of human error. The solution will also match up/make even

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