
Case Study: Glenmoor Elementary School

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Glenmoor Elementary School is the site I have chosen to implement my Mandarin Bilingual Immersion program. Glenmoor is located in the suburban town of Fremont in the Bay Area. The majority of the student population there is Asian which makes up 37% of the population followed by Hispanics which make up 30% of the population (SARC). The initial linguistic position of students is 49.3% speak non-English languages while 14.6% of students speak fluent English (EdData). The majority languages in the school consist of English while the minority languages spoken consist of Mandarin, Spanish, Farsi, and Filipino. Currently, the existing educational programs do not include any bilingual programs and their curriculum is taught in English only. Glenmoor …show more content…

Valleyfield possessed a middle immersion program where French immersion begins in the fourth grade with full French instruction. In sixth grade, the ratio of French to English becomes 90:10 and after sixth grade transitions to 50:50. Another successful immersion program in New Brunswick is Caledonia Regional High School. This school possesses a late immersion program that begins from sixth to eighth grade with 70:30 French to English and moves to 50:50 ratio from ninth to tenth grade. The success of Canadian bilingual immersion models can be attributed to the societal need to speak French in certain provinces where using both languages is advantageous. Students in these immersion programs become competent bilinguals because not only are they receiving French exposure in school, they also experience French in their surrounding communities. There is a societal need to speak French because of the considerable number of French-speaking provinces in …show more content…

wishes to remain a global leader. Although monolingualism is the law in America; in reality, multilingualism is more common around the world (Thurman). Countless research on bilingualism has shown its valuable assets on our student’s cognitive, linguistic, and health benefits. With the growing and changing demands of the twenty-first century, the U.S. can no longer afford to provide its children with monolingual education when we possess the knowledge of a better educational framework of bilingualism. The MBI program will serve as a model for the rest of the schools across the nation to develop bilingual programs catered to the community’s needs and desires for the success of our future

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