
Case Study: Multinational Corporation

Decent Essays

Saudi company
Multinational Corporation

Borden milk products:
The biggest yogurt company in USA and in the World, With high quality of its product, There are basic principles of the performance system in this company such as: strategic alignment, management by objectives, feedback, integrative relationship, fairness and credibility every one of them is important to the whole system, Different methods are used in this company to measure the performance of employees, whether at the level of supervisors for all employees or individual supervisors, to measure the performance of the comparison between the employees to determine the most performance. Almarai: it’s the biggest Saudi company for dairy and food products, it’s consist of three parts throughout the year first planning performance then Progress review of progress made by employer, finally evaluation of annual performance and determination of bonuses and benefits, it’s adopts a varied and effective performance management system, using many tools to determine performance according to Scientific Standards, then measure employee’s performance based on this standard.

#2 Stonyfield:
Famous of organic yogurt is the highest selling in America, The system in this company consist of two important things: …show more content…

The annual assessment is performed by supervisor, employee himself and colleagues. The comparison of performance to set objectives, standards and required competencies together with the planning and improvement and evaluating development needs is performed. To successfully implement Performance Management Program, reinforcement is done through promotions and annual increment plan, top Management compliments of distinguished achievements, link-to-job Route Planning and replacement

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