
Case Study Of Hemophilia

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The Hemophilia is a rare disease in which the blood fails to clot normally; those suffering from hemophilia may bleed more than usual after an injury, you may also experience internal bleeding, especially in the knees, ankles and elbows, which can damage organs or tissues and endanger the patient's life.
Hemophilia is usually an inherited disorder, which is transmitted from parents to children through genetic heritage; those suffering from hemophilia have clotting factors, or have them in sufficient quantity. The clotting factors are different proteins necessary for normal blood clotting that work in synergy with platelets to promote the coagulation of the blood.
The platelets are in turn small blood cells that are formed in the bone marrow, that is, in the spongy tissue that constitutes the bones: also the platelets are essential for blood clotting. …show more content…

There are two forms of hemophilia.
Hemophilia A is the lack or scarcity of clotting factor VIII. 9-10% of patients with hemophilia suffer from hemophilia A.
In hemophilia B, however, is totally missing is present in amounts insufficient coagulation factor IX.
In rare cases, hemophilia can be acquired, ie not appear at birth but long lifetime; acquired hemophilia appears when the body forms antibodies (protein) to fight the clotting factors in the blood. These antibodies are able to prevent the correct operation of the clotting factors.

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