
Case Study Of Performance Management By Brent Gardner

Decent Essays

Problem Statement:

In the Case of Performance Management by Brent Gardner, the company of Brent is requesting all the midlevel managers and below to reapply for the job which is another way of saying that the company will downsize its manpower. It is important that one is clever with corporate politics, otherwise, the basis will be performance and profitability. Mostly, the internal stakeholders are affected, especially those who are the low-performing or non-performing employees. For this scenario, Brent and his team members are the internal stakeholders because they are affected by the problem, and have to come up with solutions to address the problem.
Brent is concerned because he is in-charged of the subrogation unit which is known for their low productivity and performance as they are failing to meet the goals and low quotas. Brent worries that he and his team will be affected by this downsize activity, with more emphasize on his concerns over the conflicts among the members in Team 9, as the latter are full of interpersonal conflicts, and behavioral issues ? which affects the productivity as well. With this, the problem statement is how can Brent increase the productivity and performance of the team 9 members, so that he and his department will not be affected by the downsize.
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More so, his action plans have limited time to be acted upon by him and his team members which is only one month to resolve the issues and problems. Most importantly, the behaviors and attitudes of his team members, especially from Team 9, are also outside of his scope and can be a constraint for achieving his goal, since he cannot be assured that everything will go well with his team members since they cannot predict how the issues will affect the team members

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