
Case Study Of Stanley's Vulnerabilities

Satisfactory Essays

The reporter/Officer (Jim) called to report Financial Exploitation for the victim, Stanley. Stanley’s vulnerabilities consist of Dementia. It is unknown if he can perform his daily ADL’s, but he has personal caretaker (from 7am-10pm). On July 21, 2015, one of the caretakers (Becky) brought Stanley into the Branch to cash a check, which brought suspicion on the Branch that Becky was taking advantage of Stanley. The POA (Jennifer) confirmed that Becky was not taking advantage of Stanley. According to Jim, Jennifer said the caretakers (3 caretakers total) are on duty from 7am to 10pm, and when they leave, Jonathan goes through the house making noise by turning on the radio and lights attempting to wake up Stanley to harass him for cash, between

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