While assigned as Alpha Company Supply Sergeant, SSG Gonzalez was also responsible for Bravo and Charlie companies in the absence of Supply Sergeants. SSG Gonzalez was accounted for over 1,300 pieces of organizational property with an estimated value of $8.4M; assuring 100% property accountability. He continuously enforced the Command Supply Discipline Program which resulted in zero discrepancies during four change of commands inventories, four cyclic inventories and 12 monthly sensitive items inventories.
SSG Gonzalez received a commendable rating during the 2014 Battalion Organizational Inspection Program which set the standard operating procedure for the Battalion. His outstanding supply management expertise in CIF-ISM raised Soldier equipment
I have known SGT Torres since April 2016, when he got to the unit and I became his Platoon Sergeant at the Distribution Platoon. I have personally witness SGT Torres’ inability to perform his job as the battalion Ammunition Sergeant because of his back and knee problems. I have personally had to get involved in several of the ammunition mission from battalion that include ammunition pickups and drop offs to the Ammunition Supply Point and missions in several ranges.
CM received report from LAMP VASH worker Laurie Garza regarding client’s missed appointment on 11/25. LAMP VASH worker Laurie Garza inquired about client’s drug use and general well-being due to client’s lack of motivation. LAMP VASH worker suggested client explore different housing programs due to client’s resevations regarding weekly meetings with case manage . CM will discussed new housing referral options with client. CM will notify Laurie Garza about client’s decision regarding housing program.
During the second year of this command of Bravo Company, he successfully deployed his entire company to Southwest Asia with minimal supervision on extremely short notice. Once in Kuwait, he hit the ground running in providing comprehensive combat engineer support to the 3rd Infantry Division and ARCENT. Dispersed over large distances and operating independently, Bravo Company complete the 3rd Brigade Combat Teams’ Tactical Operations Center, constructed two base camps, maintained 10 miles of MSR and reconstructed 7 kilometers of berms.
I discussed with my supervisor and she asked me to talk with the CFPs, grandmother and girls. I also shared some of the concerns with CSW Sanchez.
The Burke Reading Interview with Angel took place on February 17, 2017 in the back of the classroom, at the round table. This interview introduced Angel to the subject of reading and allowed him to talk freely about what he liked and disliked about reading, as well as experiences that he has had with reading in the past. Angel says that he learned to read through reading little, easy books and from his mom and dad who would read to him every night. He said that they continue to read to him every night. He believes that he is a good reader because he practices reading every day. He claims that when he comes to something that he does not know, he just asks the teacher and never does anything else to figure it out. My observation of
SFC Ramos has mastered the various nuances of his current position in the bureau. His expertise is sought by many high ranking members of the division which allows him to make an impact at a high level outside of the division. Specifically, his presentation to the Attorney General’s Office on the New Jersey Information Sharing Environment Project. He was also selected by the Regional Operations and Intelligence Center Commander to become an ambassador for the Charter Does Matter Programs through the Travis Mansion Foundation. SFC Ramos demonstrates the knowledge and expertise which far exceeds his peers. He is always willing to impart his training, education and experience as he mentors his subordinates on a daily basis. He continues
Cruz Baker is the family law attorney at the same company Sawyer Hill works for, BMPG. He’s representing Christabelle Nelson, the young pregnant girl abandoned by her family and her boyfriend, who the Hills have welcomed into their home. Once again his case is successful, this time ensuring Tom Frame will pay child support and Tom and his friends will apologize publically for the lies they’d written about Chris.
1. SSG Eduardo Alvarez was assigned to the 201st Regiment on 30 March 2015 as Small Group Instructor – WLC (BLC) para/line: 002DC/10. SSG Alvarez is crucial as instructor into the Basic Leader Course (BLC) team. He is an exceptional instructor fulfilling his duties helping to graduate new leaders (NCOs) from the Army National Guard and US Army Reserve without any complications.
In order to empower broad-based action and generate short-term wins I will take several actions. First, I will individually recognize Sodiers that volunteer in supporting the brigade’s professional development programs. Secondly, I will hand out 3-day weekend passes out to all battalion units that sustain a 100% DUI free rate for 30 days. In order to generate short term wins, I will establish a battalion wide shark-tank program that requires battalions to team up and present innovative ideas that support our wartime mission training methods. This program will serve as a medium for Soldiers and leaders to improve teamwork and showcase best
Pablo Fuentes is a Chile immigrant that is passionate about helping blue collar workers affected by the digital divide find jobs over the internet. Thinking about his immigrant roots Pablo knew that he did not want to return to finance even though he did well working for a hedge fund. After attending Stanford University for his MBA Pablo decided to make a change. “I was working at my internship over the summer with a firm that lends to under-banked Hispanics. As I was spending time with those customers to understand their pain points, I realized that they all had cell phones and that was a way someone could help them get jobs. The idea of giving people opportunities was really powerful” (). In Pablo’s second year at Stanford
A lascivious boyfriend takes his virginal girlfriend to an adult retreat for a passionate weekend unaware of the camp-ground's history of murder and rape.
Ray Marco Aguirre is an 11 year old male diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and mild intellectual disorder. Ray Marco was referred to BRIA due to her significant maladaptive behaviors that affected the overall quality of life for the Aguirre family. Behavior respite services are deemed appropriate for this family since a more advanced staff is needed to support Ray Marco at home. Mrs. Aguirre states that she is using BRIA services effectively and she is now able to rely on these services to attend to her life activities such as attending family functions and spending time with her other children. Family outing have less stress full with the assistance of BRIA staff and has allowed for sibling to not be the targets of unpredictable tantrums
1. SSgt Roche has consistently performed in his duties as a Logistics Chief in an exemplary and highly professional manner. SSgt Roche Displays himself in a level of proficiency and enthusiasm in an independent duty environment, through distinguishing himself as a sturdy professional, providing relentless effort to develop subordinates and increase workforce efficiency from June 2013 to Aug 2016.
What specific places can you point to in the selection that illustrates what is at issue for Gutierrez?
CSC Espinoza is an outstanding Logistics Department role model. He motivated and inspired his staff to organized, set up, prepared and served more than 600 guests during COAST GUARD DAY while creating a sense of pride on mission completion and allowing all other members of SECNY have a day of joy and camaraderie. Not only he devoted his time and efforts to SECNY but he also volunteered to prepare and serve Coast Guard day picnic style BBQ to more than 100 active duty and dependents of STANY. His efforts to promote team spirit where highlighted by STANY Crew and Command. In addition CSC Espinoza sacrificed his time with family and friends during the last THANKSGIVING day celebration. CSC Espinoza volunteered to prepare the holyday meal for